- Lis-1=> Write the Main Idea in one sentence-> Lis-2=> Revise the Main Idea.
-> Read=> Revise the Main Idea. -> Shadow Reading
=> Replace institutional, convict, impose => Dic/Tablet
- institutional-institution an organization, establishment, foundation, society, or the like, to promote a particular cause/program, especially one of a public, educational, or charitable character:
institute set up, establish, organize;~ a government. Initiate, start: ~ a new course/a lawsuit.
- convict (v) to prove/declare guilty of an offense: sentence convict (n) a person proved/declared guilty
- impose to establish as sth to be obeyed/complied with; charge, enforce, require, levy ~ tax, penalty
[2] Inside Reading-2 Unit 2 The Business of Branding Reading-1 The Power of Branding
Vocabulary Activities-Word Level
- Corpus-1: medium (n) – media -> Dic=> B. Write sentences: The/A ~ is a medium that …
- Corpus-2: subsidize (v) -subsidization(n)
Dic to give money to get started/operated, finance, sponsor, fund: school is ~d by the government.
subsidy (n) money paid to help a service running/product competitive: agriculture/housing ~
=> C. Discuss what businesses, products, and services are subsidized by the government and why.
Vocabulary Activities-Sentence Level
- presume Dic to take for granted, assume, or suppose: I ~d him to be …, It is ~d that he died young.
- D. Mark the word/phrase to be restated by the word in parentheses with the same part of speech.
=> Restate only the essential information using the words in parentheses.
2. corporate (adj) decide what you want your ads to develop in your corporate plan.
3. symbolize (v) Plan what your products should symbolize and how it is shown to consumers.
4. theme In order to promote the brand name, try using a theme that isn’t associated with your product directly.
5. consume Make sure to try showing your ad plan checking the response and/or reaction before the ad budget is consumed.
6. presume (v) Never presume the effectiveness of your ads without testing.
[3] Open Forum-1 Chapter 5 Anthropology News report on corporate anthropology
- Preparing for Listening: What kind of work might an anthropologist do in an office?
- Before Listening: corporate, Eskimo living in the Arctic Circle
- 1st Listening-> Main Ideas, More Details
- 2nd Lis-by Part A & B=> Tasks-> Part C & D=> Tasks
=>Task Do you think using anthropologists in school is a good idea? Why? What practices may change?
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