Lesson Report-Advancing 2-May 30th

1. Open Forum-2 Chapter 11 Astronomy  #1 Radio Call-in Program “Science Now” -2
- 3rd Lis w/Script-> Check words, expressions and multi-word verbs
- Vocabulary: Multi-Word Verbs (2): run short of <-> run out of => Pair
What do you usually do when you’re running short of time to finish an exam?
What do you usually do when you’ve run out of money in the middle of the month?
2. Inside Reading-3  Unit 3 In the Public Eye Reading-1  Public Art Controversies – Art Attack
Vocabulary Activities-Word Level
- A -> B -> C -> Read aloud->Words/Expressions: mural, bus shelter, fa-reaching effects, vandalism
- Corpus: criteria (pl) - criterion (s)  (a standard by which something can be judged or decided)
= benchmark, standard, barometer, scale, test, precedent, touchstone
-> The main criterion is value for money. What criteria are used for assessing a student’s ability?
-> D. Choose one of the five things, and think of the three most important criteria for deciding the thing; 1. Rent, Convenience, Neighbors 3. Species (dog/cat), Size, Care Requirements
=> Ind. Speech Speak your thoughts to a partner in 90 seconds.
The criteria to decide what kind of ~ are …  First, …

Vocabulary Activities-Sentence Level
- E. Mark the word(s) that should be rephrased.
- Dic - fund (vt) to provide money for sth: a festival ~ed by …, privately ~ed, a government ~ed program
- fund (C) an amount of money saved/made available for a particular purpose, capital, endowment, foundation: a disaster relief ~, pension ~, IMF
- funds (pl) money that is available to be spent, cash reserve, budget: government ~, raise ~, lack of ~
- funding (UC) money for particular purpose, cash, money: cuts in government ~
- F. Restate the sentences using fund, funds or funding.
3. Special Listening ☆ Osaka Referendum
  ☆ Ireland Referendum Of the 60% turnout (1.2 mil votes), 62% (734k) said yes and 38% said no.

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