[1] Kikutan-6K Day 12: The Qanats of Gonabad <= Check
- hostile [stl] (to/towards sb/sth) ready to argue/fight: unfriendly, hateful, opposed; ~ reception/comment
- horizontal (lying flat to the vertical, parallel to level ground) flat, level, even, parallel <->vertical
- penetrate enter, invade, go/pass through; ~ the wall/skin/security seep, extend influence
- Practice Voca Chant: hostile, civil-civilize-civilization, convey, canal, carve, flourish
[2] Inside Reading-2 Unit 2 The Business of Branding Reading-2 Product Placement
Vocabulary Activities-Word Level
- A. 1.fad (sth interested in for a short time) 3.draw on (use sth available) 5.branch off (extend, diversify)
- B. convert
=> Write two sentences using convert. Convert some unit (kilos, pounds, meters, or grams), energy, or move to some other unit/thing. Convert something into a different thing.
US$10 is converted to approximately \1,200. Fossil fuels should be converted into energy more efficiently.
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