Lesson Report-Advancing 2-Jun.6th

1. Open Forum-2 Chapter 11 Astronomy  #2 An Interview about Amateur Astronomers
- Vocabulary Before Listening: hemisphere, nova-supernova, grain
- 1st Lis-thru: Main Ideas, More Detail
- 2nd Lis-by Part=> Tasks
[Part-1] [1] What does a supernova do? [2] How many supernovas have been found so far?
[Part-2] [3] Who is Robert Evans? What has he done?  [4] What’s the title of the book that included a chapter on Evans? [5] Explain the example about how talented Evans is to memorize changes.
[Part-3] [6] What are Evans’s two advantages? [7] Explain what the new technology is.
2. Inside Reading-3  Unit 3 In the Public Eye Reading-2  One Person’s Vandalism Is Another One’s Art
Read=> Write a summary of the article in 50 words. Try to reword or rephrase the words and expressions.
=> ☆ Pair Tell the Summary in 60 sec. w/o the writing.
- Read-2-> Study Words/Expressions/Grammar
[P1] plague, eyesore (something unpleasant to look at), snob (a person who strives to associate with those of higher social status), tagger-tag (draw/write graffiti on, attach a tag to)
Dic alike (in the same manner or form; similarly) They treated all customers alike.  (to the same degree; equally) All three were guilty alike.
[P2] mural (a large picture painted or affixed directly on a wall or ceiling)  [P5] subset (a set that is a part of a larger set)  vandalism (deliberately mischievous or malicious destruction or damage of property)  [P8] plaster up (to cover walls or ceilings, etc. with plaster: thick material that hardens)
Dic aesthetic [es-thet-ik] (relating to the philosophy of aesthetics; concerned with notions such as the beautiful and the ugly: artistic, beautiful)
[P9] edginess- edge (cutting edge technology) –edgy (innovative)

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