Lesson Report-Advancing 1-Jun.3rd

[1] Kikutan-6K  Day 11: The Tower of London <= Check
- Lis-1=> Write the Main Idea in one sentence-> Lis-2=> Revise the Main Idea.
-> Read=> Revise the Main Idea. -> Shadow Reading
=> Replace associate, execute, reign => Dic/Tablet
- associate   (~ sb/sth with sth/sb) combine, link, correlate, relate; ~ the smell with …
- execute (passive) kill sb-> public execution, implement, carry out, accomplish, perform; ~ a plan
- reign (v) to rule as a king/Q: govern, rule, occupy; Queen ~ reigned from/during …,
(n) the period during some ruler: dynasty, regime, tenure; in/under the reign of sb,  
- Practice Voca Chant: scholar, condemn, exaggerate, monarch, reign, overthrow, haunt-haunted house
[2] Inside Reading-2   Unit 2 The Business of Branding  Reading-2  Product Placement
Write a summary of the text within 100 words=Tablet => Pair Compare the summary=Tablet
Par.2, 6=> Product placement is an effective and cost efficient tool to market products to consumers.
Par.2=> It is also welcomed by the TV or movie companies because it finances their production.
Par.3, 7=> Products shown in movies or TV shows such as cars and smartphones are more naturally and positively remembered by the viewers than commercials if they are presented properly.
Par.8=> Product placement is expected to extend to new media such as games, videos and the Internet in more sophisticated way.
Par.9=> Companies are even hoping their products are talked among the viewers and their peers along with the stories or shows those products were placed. (100 words)
- Reading Skill/p.28: Finding the Details (Finding the MI in Reading-1)
=> Apply/p.28: mark the paragraph number ☆disregard less than 1/5 of the U.S. amount => Pair
[3] Read & Write-2  Unit 3 Courtesy: Reading 2: Answers to all your Travel Questions
- What do you think? B-2 Pair Do you think that people are naturally polite? Or do they learn to be polite? Explain with examples. =>Write 5-8 sentences in response=> HW by Jun.10
<= TS  I like to wear blue. SS-1 It is a perfect color for casual clothes like blue jeans.  D-1They are convenient because they go well with almost any color.
SS-2 Blue also makes people look cool and sharp.  D-2When I see someone wearing a blue uniform, I often feel I want to wear it, too. CS Blue is the best color for clothes.
- Vocabulary Skill-A/p.55: Prefixes - in, im, un-> Voc-B/p.56
=> Write as many adjectives as you can think of using these prefixes.

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