Lesson Report-Advancing 1-Apr.11th

1. Kikutan-6K  Day 5: Learning Magic
- Lis-1=> Write the Main Idea in one sentence-> Lis-2=> Revise the Main Idea.
-> Read=> Revise the Main Idea. -> Shadow Reading
=> Replace grasp, conceal, proficient => Dic/Tablet
- grasp (vi, vt) to seize and hold: catch, grab, snatch, hold  (n) seizing, understanding, awareness
- conceal (vt) hide, cover, disguise, keep secret: ~(ed) weapon, ~ one’s identity
- proficient (adj) trained, skilled, skillful, capable: ~ in a language, ~ at ones job, ~ speaker/driver
- proficiency (n) develop ~, ~ in English, certificate of language ~.
- Practice Voca Chant: mislead-misled-misled, proficient
2. Inside Reading-2  Unit 1 Going Underground  Reading-2 Understanding Philly’s Basement
-> Study Words/Expressions [P1] rock-solid  
vast (very large in size, extent, degree, or number): the ~ majority of the attendees, the ~ number of bison, sewer, archaeology-archaeological-archaeologist  [P2] sinkhole  rig (truck), Interstate 99  [P4] liberal-liberally: openly, broadly   in no particular order, document (v)  ethnic: racial, cultural, ~ group, ~ bias   [P5] scatter (to throw about in various directions ) disperse, spread  [P7] trace-tracer (find/discover sb/sth by searching, find the origin/cause of sth) track down, discover   [P8] penetrate (pass into/through, enter the interior of, obtain a share of: invade, go though/into)   radar pulse (rhythm, beat, vibration),  nano- (very small, one-billionth), bounce back: rebound   [P9] unravel: unfold, solve, resolve, clear up - ravel (to make a situation/problem more complicated)  notwithstanding: nonetheless, nevertheless, despite  abandoned tunnel: deserted, left out  smuggle-smuggler (to import or export prohibited or dutiable goods secretly)  [P10] corrode-corrosion (to eat/be eaten away by chemical action as in the oxidation or rusting of a metal), Dic register (record a name on an official list, ->an instrument shows/records amount) [P11] bulk: main part, most, majority  [P12] resin[z] 松やに harden <-> soften,
Vocabulary Activities-Word Level - A-> B
3. Open Forum-1  Chapter 4 Psychology #3
- Speaking Skills: Taking Time to Think “It’s on the tip on my tongue”
=> Speaking Practice: Talk about your earliest memory, such as event, incident or experience.

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