・Fluency Strategy: Previewing and Predicting by Skimming
- Skimming: 1st Par, Sub Titles, 1st sentences => Task-A
- Read -> Checking Comprehension
(1) What are the three things the mud baths help?
=> They help sick people cure any illness, women have babies, and people see better.
(2) What does the black mud contain that could ease pain? => It contains sulfur.
- Read w/CD-> Read aloud Par. 6-8=> Task
(3) Par-6 “Doctors says ~ nothing to do with aliens.” 日本語にしなさい
2. Kikutan-4K Day 4: Vegetable Preferences #1
3. Read & Write-2 Unit 1 Trend: Why does something become popular?
Reading 2: A Song Becomes a Hit #2 Wifi=>Q-Skills Listening Tablet Reading Practice-1: Par.1-5
=> Pair Why, when or how do you think certain things like a movie, song or book become popular?
- Voca Skill Word Families V-N; phone, call, visit, produce, view, ride, clash, sleep, bite, smell, sound
- Grammar: Simple Present and Present Continuous
- Writing Skill: Writing a Topic Sentence A-
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