Review Shadow Reading -> Read
=> Write a summary in 2~3 sentences. Use; precise, launch, thrill/thrilling
=> Pair Tell the summary without the writing.
- Practice Voca Chant: thrill, bounce, upright (adj) vertical, honorable; ~ position, ~ man (adv) stand
2. Inside Reading-2 Unit 1 Going Underground Reading-2 Understanding Philly’s Basement
- Review the summary of the article=> ☆ Pair Tell the Summary in 90 sec. w/o the writing.
- Reading Task Ground Penetrating System (GPR) (par.8) について、下記以降を100字以内で説明しなさい。
-> Study Sentences: [L3-P4] For example, in the mid-1800s ~ returned to the South.
[L48-P5] Until we figure out ~ man-eating hole might develop.
[P8] Ground penetrating radar ~ the receiver’s screen. (technical reading)=> Pair
[L90-P9] Their clever tunneling ~ in the city.
[L110-P10] Responder is equipped with ~ the pipe walls.
[L115-P11] Locating problem is ~ the bulk of the job.
3. Read & Write-2 Unit 2 Color: How do colors affect the way we feel
Reading 1: How Colors Make Us Think and Feel #2
HW=> Review Writing: What are some examples of colors with special meanings in your culture?
5-8 sentences in response. Make sure to clarify your response (opinion) and explain with example(s).
Tablet Practice Reading #2 (Par.- )
Reading 2: The Importance of Color in Business
- Preview: The seven companies
=> Logo Colors: McDonald’s, KFC, Apple, Samsung, Dell, Microsoft, BP, UPS, ヤマト, 佐川
- Read-1=> Main Idea, Details A.
=> Details B.: Describe each company, their colors and the meaning of the colors.
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