Lesson Report-Advancing 1-Apr.18th

[1] Kikutan-6K  Day 6: Week-1 Review: Life
- Lis-1=> Write what this narration wants to say in a sentence
- Lis-2=> Revise the sentence
[2] Inside Reading-2  Unit 1 Going Underground  Reading-2 Understanding Philly’s Basement
Vocabulary Activities-Sentence Level
Dic assume: 1. to thnk/accept that sth is true w/o having proof of it; think, guess, understand, expect
- ~ that/it is ~d that: It’s reasonable/dangerous to assume (that) the economy will continue to improve.
2. to take/begin to have power/responsibility  The rebel assumed control of the city.
-> resume: begin again or continue after an interruption ~ talks/negotiations. ~ed driging
Assumption: a belief/feeling that sth is true or will happen. On the ~ that, make ~ about, based on an ~
- D => Pair Compare the assumptions.
- E => Discuss the ranking, exchanging thoughts with examples.
=> Present the order, explain two assumptions in particular.
- F : Skip
- G: Mark the word(s) to restate using the word in parentheses. (assume/p.14, predict/p.6, location/p.12 )
=> Restate each idea in three to five sentences. => Pair
[3] Open Forum-1  Chapter 4 Web A Conversation with a severe memory problem
- Lis-1-> Answer the Questions
- Lis-2 to Check the Answers and prepare to explain:
=> Com Task-1 Explain Craig Wearing’s problem in 90 seconds-> Q&A for 90 seconds.
=> Com Task-2 Explain what Craig’s wife did and does now in 90 seconds-> Q&A for 90 seconds.
- Lis-3 w/Transcript => Com Task-3 Explain the story of Craig Wearing in two minutes.
Use examples to explain his symptoms and problems effectively.
=> Com Task-4 What would you do if your husband/wife got the disease and couldn’t remember anything before seven seconds? Answer the question within 90 seconds.

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