Lesson Report-Advancing 2-Apr.4th

1. Open Forum-2 Chapter 9 Marketing & Advertising – Web: Conversation about a certain kind of ad
- Lis-1-> Answer the questions
- Lis-2=> Explain the conversation in two minutes.
- Who is the person talking about the ad?
- What is the name of the ad the person is talking about?
- What kind of ad is that?
- Why it works?
- What are the benefits for the advertiser and the car owner?
=> Com Task If you need to use and own a car but also need money to maintain it, would you be interested in wrapping your car for an ad? Answer the question in 90 seconds.
2. Inside Reading-3  Unit 2 Megacities: Urban Planning  Reading-1  The New Megapolis
- Reading Skill-B: Check the notes about the focus/main purpose of each paragraph=> Pair

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